The Fans's Section!

Thank you for coming to this section of the site!!! And this section is dedicated to all the fans of G L A D I A T O R !!! This page wouldn't be so succesful without you guys!!!!
In this section you'll find pictures of the fans, which in one way or another, introuce GLADIATOR or something related to it in their lives!
Well, enough talking and let's start!!

As a Gladiator fan, I'd like to start with me :) Here are some pictures of my hamsters, which I named after 2 characters of the movie

This is Maximus! He's not a Gladiator, but he had some fights with his brother Hercules (don't worry, he didn't kill him), now he's happy in his own cage, he sleeps, eats and runs around the wheel. :)

And this is Lucilla! Lucilla gave birth to 7 beautiful babies on 2/24/01, one of them was named Lucius, Maximus is not the father, but he will be the father of her next litter in a couple of months! I'll keep you updated. :)

Introducing Maximus Meridius!
The "Gladiator" dog. the happiest and friendliest (despite his fierce
name) doggie in the world adopted his owner Evan on january 1st, 2001. He's a year old, 75
pound purebred yellow labrador retriever! He loves to play 24/7, catches frisbees, is absolutely obsessed
with his tennis ball, and loves to ride in the back of my truck. He tries to play with
the cat whenever she's brave enough to make an appearance!

This is Maximus Desmus Meridius!
His owner Chryseis adopted Maximus from the local Petsmart. He was about 16 weeks old, and the volunteer working
there said they caught him,his brother, and mother in the forest, and decided to make them all
domestic. He is pretty wild, when he was younger he was really hard to catch. He loves his best
buddy, Sykes. Sykes is Chryseis's sister's kitten, an orange one.. very beautiful, but his fur is very
rough compared to Max's silky hair ;)
Maximus is one year old now.

If you have a pet named after any characters of the movie, or anything related to G L A D I A T O R that you'd like to share it with us, please
me, Thank you!